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ACC Refunds are making news
ACC Adjustments
You may have seen information in the media regarding ACC refunds.
Shareholder ACC – Our firm already has a procedure in place to check if any of our clients are entitled to an ACC refund. We started doing this in the 2010 year as this is the year that we could check at ACC on their on-line platform. It is possible that there may be some refunds due for the years prior to 2010 and ACC will make the necessary adjustment and issue any refunds that are due. We are not expecting many (if any) of our clients to fall into this category.
Employer ACC – Again, our firm already has a procedure in place to check if any of our clients are entitled to a refund once ceased as an employer. Providing we have advised Inland Revenue and ACC of the cessation then any refund will have been issued. Only in limited cases would there be a refund due when someone ceases being an employer.
If you advised Inland Revenue yourself that you ceased as an employer and did not advise ACC, there could be an adjustment required. It is our outstanding that ACC will identify any account that needs amending.
Self Employed ACC – Again, it is our outstanding that ACC will identify any account that needs amending.
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